Thursday, October 1, 2009

I truly enjoy your blog and the service you're providing to the tax industry.

I truly enjoy your blog and the service you're providing to the tax industry. I would like to return the favor and pass on a link to a free whitepaper discussing the convergence of tax and finance, which was recently published in The Tax Executive (the journal of the Tax Executives Institute).

This paper discusses the changes in tax reporting and its growing similarities to financial reporting, which is increasing the demands of tax technology solutions. Having worked on the development of this white paper, I have witnessed the response to starting this conversation and I am now working to spread the word.

I hope you find value in this whitepaper and share it with your readers. A free webcast is also in the works to continue the dialogue. It will take place on October 6th and discuss convergence technology trends like:
· Moving beyond departmental to enterprise-class tax solutions

· Reducing the operational complexity of tax management

· Building strong relationships with the CFO and CIO

· Developing tighter integration of financial and tax data

· Delivering optimal strategic value

Thanks again for putting out such great content on your blog!


Rob Patey
Interactive Communications Leader
Vertex Inc.
Where Taxation Meets Innovation


Rolfe Bautista said...

This is excellent

Rolfe Bautista said...

This is excellent

Home Loans said...

You are absolutely right and thanks for sharing your knowledge about the use of white paper.